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Now Playing Feeling Never Be Lonely

A day in the life of a self-isolating single

June's turn to offer a few top tips - here's what she has to say, based on her own experience of life as a self-isolating single...

So, here we are on day 20 of the UK lockdown and it's Sunday - at least I think it is, hang on a mo, while I just check on my mobile!

For someone who lives alone and works from home anyway, you'd think things wouldn't be too bad and, to be honest, I'm not quite crawling up all the walls yet.

But there''s a big difference between doing something because that's what works for you and having no choice in the matter, despite the fact that you know it's for the best and one day even this will pass...

Week one wasn't too bad - no need to set the alarm, no agonising over which top to wear today, a chance to catch up on a few box sets (although there's only so much information about the sex lives of Henry VIII, Napoleon Bonaparte, Al Capone et al a girl can cope with it!) and then of course there's plenty of time for all that housework you never seem to get round to.

Full disclosure here, the housework one lasted all of three days!!

Week two and the novelty was beginning to wear off - you know you're in serious trouble when you find yourself talking to a little robin perched on the garden fence! Not the most riveting conversation, it has to be said - a couple of cheeps (from him/her, that is) but at least he/she was sticking to the two-metre gap rule..

By week three, it was time to get a grip which, for me, invariably means make a list and tick each task off as the day goes by...

So here's my list, in no particular order. If some of the things don't work for you or seem a bit on the frivolous side, that's fine. But if you're a self-isolating single too and any of the following suggestions help you through your day, my job here will have been done!

Find out what's on June's list here...