On Air Now Doug Hall 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Now Playing Feeling Never Be Lonely

Making remote working rewarding work


A few words of wisdom from Rosalyn today, as she shares her thoughts and advice on a subject much in the spotlight at the moment...

For many small business owners and freelancers, working from home is nothing out of the ordinary but, with the UK in lockdown for the past three weeks - a situation that's likely to continue for some time - remote working has become the new norm for many more people now.

"Remote working is, rather like a virus, an unseen and often unsettling thing that creates dis-ease. The sense of isolation can be crippling," says Ros in a recent post on her website.

"We are basically tribal people and our wellbeing is tied to connection. The greatest punishment you can give to a person, apart from something physical, is to isolate them. In prison, this will be solitary confinement. A sailor marooned on an island. People sent into exile. It's all about disconnection."

So how do you connect, especially if you've been forced into quarantine or self-isolation during these troublesome times?

Find out what Ros has to say in her blog post, where she offers not only practical advice about how to take care of yourself but also shares her her own Fab Four antidotes to the virus of lonely home working

  • Find a tribe
  • Invest in systems
  • Track your time
  • Be transparent

You'll find the full post here and, elsewhere on the website, plenty of other good advice and offers of support from the Girls Around Town's wellbeing guru...