On Air Now Phil & Victoria 10:00am - 2:00pm
Now Playing Paula Abdul Opposites Attract

What's on the menu this weekend?

If there's one good thing that's come out of these troubled times, it has to be the amazing support local food producers have been giving to people living in and around Newark...

And of course the equally amazing support they're getting in return from those same people!

One woman who knows as much if not more than most about this is Leisa Pickles. A dedicated foodie herself, she'll be on the phone to Girls Around Town this weekend to share details of a new initiative in town that's going from strength to strength.

From broccoli and  bread to jam and gin, melon and mince to chutney and cheese - and, joy of joys, chocolate! - NeighbourFood Newark is a convenient and easy way to buy the best quality food from local farmers and food producers.

And it's not just edible items on offer - head over to the website and you'll find body butter, bath soak, candles and more available there too...

Join June and Leisa from 11.20am on Sunday to hear about some of the other goodies you can add to your online basket, how to place your order and where and when to collect it.

And don't miss the rest of show either - tune in to 107.8FM or listen online from 10am to 12 noon to catch what else is on the menu from your favourite weekend show...