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How it works

Radio Newark Marketplace is the home for all the best vouchers and deals from your favourite local businesses. New deals and offers will come and go on a regular basis, so be sure to keep an eye on the store to ensure you don’t miss out!


Buying a voucher on Radio Newark Marketplace is straightforward and easy. Here is a quick step-by-step guide so you know exactly what to do.


Step 1 - Choosing a voucher

Radio Newark Marketplace offers a wide variety of vouchers and deals, from food and drink to experiences and services, so the first step is deciding what it is exactly you want to purchase. Hopefully this is the hardest part of the process! Once you’ve chosen, select the quantity to want, and click add to basket.

Step 2 - Basket

Once you’re in your basket make sure you have everything you want, and remove anything you don’t want to buy. Once this is done, click the checkout button.

Step 3 - Checkout

Once you’re on the checkout page, the rest of the process should be very straight forward. Simply fill out all of the boxes and follow the instructions. Double check you’ve entered the correct email address, so we definitely send your vouchers to the right place. Once all the boxes are filled out, you should be ready to finish the process. Click the finish button, and after a few seconds you’ll be shown a message confirming your purchase.

Step 4 - Accessing the voucher 

At this point, your recently purchased voucher(s) will be in your email, along with a digital receipt. Each voucher has individual instructions detailing how you use them, which are found in either of the emails, and on the vouchers’ respective webpage. You’re now ready to go and use your voucher!



If you have any further questions or require assistance, feel free to visit the FAQ page here. If that still isn’t enough we’re always happy to help, just drop us an email us at XXXXXXXXXX and we’ll get back to you in no time.